With I See Change, we set about to create a space for conversations between citizens and leading scientists about environmental change in western Colorado. With a population full of farmers, ranchers, gardners and recreationists, we uncovered long running community traditions by examining detailed journals containing crucial daily weather forecast records. After several rounds of extensive user interviews and wireframe reviews, we built a hyper local and interactive almanac that is a valuable asset to a community of people making crucial decisions.

Aggregrated Landscape
One of the projects goals was to become a one stop shop for weather, climate, emergency, to replace the previous 3-4 different sources. Pairing this data with community contributions created a community driven view over time - an aggregrated landscape.

Easy Posting with Rich Data Opportunities
The primiary goal was to making quick posting available and additional details / data optional. The community itself was producing a large amount of beautiful photography on facebook so we also incorporated ways to attach media to the posts.

Building Conversations
Once a post was published, the rest of the community could also comment, like or "plus one" the observation. By collectively sharing ideas, the almanac became a hyper-local information resource and historical reference that could better equip the community for adapting to rapidly evolving weather patterns.

UX Strategy: Lindsey Wagner
Producer/Journalist: Julia Drapkin
Partners: AIR, Zeega, KVNF & CPB
Developers: Dan Leininger, Jay Casteel
Designer: Andrea Lecos
Producer/Journalist: Julia Drapkin
Partners: AIR, Zeega, KVNF & CPB
Developers: Dan Leininger, Jay Casteel
Designer: Andrea Lecos